Monday, November 5, 2012

Ahh!  It's been so long since I've updated, sorry!

Been a crazy couple of weeks with running around and helping out my friend Crissy with a hospital visit and her children and then hurricane Sandy and now we're apparently going to get hit with a Nor'Easter this week.  What is the world coming to?!  I'm hoping this new storm keeps its distance.  The North East and the East Coast need a break from Mother Nature and her beatings.

I've been pretty stressed out and busy but luckily, with the help of my Cymbalta, my mood swings have been in check for the most part.  I'm craving some normalcy and relaxation now though. 

An update on my boy Boogie:  He's doing okay.  Not much has changed actually. I check his mouth every few days to be sure there's no bleeding or puss or anything. It's still a bit large looking and i'm amazed that he's able to close his mouth at all honestly.  He's still hungry, thirsty, silly and playful as ever.  He still snuggles up with me at night on my pillow and 'pets' me with his big, fat paws. :)  He's still my little love bug.

All 3 girls are doing fine.  Emma's Feline Hyperestesia Syndrome hasn't changed that much, despite my trying to treat her with the Spirit Essences that I bought last month.  I was diligently putting it in her water bowl and even by mouth but things didn't improve, in fact, she seemed to have more episodes than usual!  I stopped it for a few days and she calmed down.  I think a lot of it is the stress of being the alpha cat in the house. She was our first, and pretty shortly after we got Brooklyn (like a month and a half later).  Their personalities were & are so different and I think Emma felt like she had to take care of Brooklyn because Brook was such a scaredy cat.  Emma takes on more stress then she needs to, sometimes I wish she could talk to me so I could explain these things to her.  I know that's silly and you're calling me a crazy cat lady - well, I am!  But seriously, when my kitties are upset or sick or hurting, I feel their pain.

In other news, looks like tonight Kevin & I are going to do a little Christmas shopping.  We have 2 really good coupons for the Christmas Tree Shoppe and I think I will be able to get quite a few stocking stuffers for Kevin and Rachael there, as well as something generic for whomever my Secret Santa at work will turn out to be. Other than those little things, the main gift I need to get is for Kevin and that is quite pricey.  Sometimes he is a bad gift-receiver but I think this gift will be an amazing thing and he will love it. I just have to get my ducks in a row and get the ball rolling.  It's so expensive, but I know he will love it, now I just need to get the funds in order. 

I guess that's all I have to say for now.  The heat finally came on today at work so now that my fingers working and aren't numb, I should do some work :)

Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you remember to count your blessings - not just around Thanksgiving, but every day!


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